The verity of it all…

Because of Svetochka, we have several sites working. It looks like the damage done to the servers has been excessive and they had serious meltdown of hardware and such. That means we may or may not have any data left from the last year, at the actual server site. Svetochka is trying to reset 2016 and back to the beginning. She has backups for that…. 2017 we relied on their backups that have been done weekly…. stupid is as stupid does…

If she does then we are going to create an archive for Windows to Russia and keep the new posts separate from the old posts. Maybe even on a different server….but then, does it matter in the end?

WtR is on a new host right now. We grabbed a month at a cheap hosting and Svetochka moved her main site and WtR to the hosting. Then she salvaged almost all of her site, but WtR is 6000 posts, in comparison to 100 posts on her site. Big difference when it comes to data. Eg…it just took all night to upload 17,000+ backup images to WtR’s new database. That is just part of the images I had in the library, but it helps… 😉

Svetochka’s site…

[contentcards url=””]

Thus, posting is kinda like running naked in a snowstorm. You are not sure why you are out in the storm, much less naked! All of WtR’s clothes are gone…

* * * * * * * * * *

What happened?

Lets just say….bad things and bad things do happen! Not the first time and not the last time….crying over spilled milk just will not happen in this case. Whodunit? You know the answer to that, whether you want to admit to that answer or not…

Yes Windows to Russia will continue, the out pour of emails and such to express, “Are You Guys Okay?”

Is all the reason that Boza, Svetochka and I need to keep posting…

News from the Tiny Russian Village and it is sad news…. One of the village people died this last week (No, not Vova!) but….A good friend of mine and I have talked about him before. The family has been in the village since the gentleman was born and he went to school in the area. He was a college professor and a very wonderful man. He knew English and his wife actually teaches English in a university. He will be missed and he died after a few years of fighting against cancer. They operated several times, but never could get it all and it finally finished him off. I remember the last conversation I had with him and it was this summer. He told me all about the Tiny Russian Village as he saw it as a little kid. He will be missed, may he rest in peace and harmony now! He enjoyed summer life in the village until the end…. maybe we will see each other on the other side?

Therefore, I have been informed that I cannot post anymore than a few posts in the next few days. 🙁 My boss and the best girl in the whole world, says so! I got that look and therefore, I will end this and only post again in a few days…

Have a nice day…