An E-mail…

It started like this…

Now let me explain how this whole “Russiagate” affair looks to those who do not live in the U.S.

Now lets call the person who wrote the email; Wilma. Wilma wrote me an email. Wilma is from the rest of the world, for all you readers who are in what you call the world. Wilma is not from the West and Wilma wrote, copied, pasted, sent and or did whatever, but I did received this email….and the email got good…

First, the U.S. has meddled in the elections and affairs of nearly every nation on earth. The U.S. has overthrown countless governments, backed an endless stream of dictators, trained death and torture squads to prop up dictators, sold arms to every radical, militarist group on the planet, invaded country after country, lied to the entire world time and again, killed thousands of their own people in a phony terror attack, bankrupted entire nations on a whim, and allowed Wall Street and U.S.-based multinational corporations to impoverish billions of people around the world.

So, did the Russians “meddle” in the U.S. elections? No one, outside of the U.S. or Israel cares, and frankly, if Russia did meddle in the U.S. elections… good. Someone needs to, because the U.S. population has done nothing… absolutely nothing… to stop the endless string of crimes against humanity committed by the fascist terror syndicate that runs their nation and includes all of their political elites. The U.S. is a tyrannical power whose collapse will be celebrated around the world in a day of jubilee.

I did not touch it but copy and paste it myself to the blog…

I also did not find much that I could disagree with. Maybe I would have added Britain to the list of Israel as believing about who cares about the alleged Russian election interference…

What gets me is that Americans, even if they agree, will be too scared to stand up for what is right and or too non-caring to give a damn…