Will a wrong be righted? (Libya)

While it cannot be corrected back to what it was, Libya can at least be brought upright again, for it is listing severely and a good wave will send it under…

This has been a sore spot for many Russians. What happened to Libya was and is a crime of epic proportions and I myself hope that the ones behind this crime are brought to justice, along with the crimes in Iraq, Ukraine, Syria and dozen more countries. The crimes have been committed by many of the same people time and time again…

Libya may just be helped to right her listing self…


and many months ago…


I have talked about the Egypt connect before and it is looking a bunch like Russia is getting ready to do some sweeping up in Libya. Someone has to clean up the mess that the Western Empire has deliberately done and get the garbage out. If Russia gathers some oil and gas rights along the way? “Good job,” I say…

I am not under an impression that Russia is a perfect angel in all this, but I will say that Russia will follow international norms and do it by the book. Thus Egypt has worked out a deal for Russian use of an airbase and I know that at least one faction in Libya has been talking with Russia about help….badly needed help, for as in almost all cases of western chaoticness around the world, the floundering raped country needs help…

Libya is on life support and maybe Russia will help…

Russians will support such a move by Putin, this has been a sore spot and a major issue that Medvedev has such a low opinion rating in Russia. Medvedev was the Russian President that went along with the NATO bombing of Libya and the Russian people have never forgave him for leaving and allowing Libya and Qaddafi to be raped and murdered….a simple veto would have at least shown opposition to NATO involvement. Would not have changed things, just shown opposition. Russia and China both abstained from voting and the rest is history…

I could be wrong about this:

But I am seeing the signs and this has been going on awhile. It takes time to go through the proper channels. Egypt had to think about the airbase, Libya had to ask for help and Russia has and had to debate what to do in this case…

I hope so. I know many Russians who will be glad to try to correct the crime they allowed to happen. Unlike the Americans, what the president of Russia and his government does is a reflection upon them. No one seems to say, “But it is not my fault, I didn’t do it, they did!”

Russians took what happened in Libya personally, as it should have been. Medvedev was wrong and Russia should have vetoed the Libya issue…