“King”, or now the “State”

It is apparently a elementary characteristic of impute to need a “King”:

I seldom as a child encountered anybody that found it even the smallest amount or a bit strange that in earlier times most of the people lived beneath a “King”. After I grew up, I continually thought about such things: “Why wouldn’t anyone doubt the need that it must be and or has to be, that everyone has got to live beneath a “King”?

However most of the people I have known don’t even question such an issue. Life is and was, Damsels in distress, kings only give birth to the most beautiful girls, knights are all powerful, the prince is handsome and dragons are the only thing that serves to keep a king in check and a “good” king can vanquish dragons (evil)…

Therefore apparently it satisfies some deep side of impute and lack of responsibility for life in general…

Today the “State” has replaced the “King”:

Not in all states, but most states around the world (or at the very least a semblance of the monarchy is over shadowed by the internal state.)….however, that the facilities that are exercised by the “State” would garner even the most arduous ancient king to blush at the wantonness of such powers at hand. Therefore, this is often somehow another satisfying and robust side of the impute

What am I saying? Well, some things that are obvious include:

1. Humans do not need nor desire to be “responsible” for creating most of the choices in life, therefore they will be able to let someone else make decisions and take the blame from the masses for the negatives…

2. Humans need someone to follow, as a result of the idea, “It’s an excessive amount of work to search out my very own path through life!” (When you can just tell me what to do…) 😉

3. Humans do not want to think, nor to work something out, as a problem for themselves, therefore humans are going to simply do what someone tells them to do, then bitch about the consequences this scenario perpetually…

4. Trickle down effect. Clearly there are often important advantages to being on the “King’s” smart side even if as the court jester, therefore, humans will scrovel and hope at the bounty slopping over the sides of the kettle…

This doesn’t entirely justify the explanations why humans opt to live beneath a “King”, or currently the “State”, however you must feel it is a decent place to begin to look at what’s happening…

King (monarchy) down to peasant?

President (state) down to farmhand?

All the same in the end… The more it looks like change, the less things change…