Britain has liquefied natural gas (LNG) and more coming….as much as they need…

First tanker of Russian gas arrives in UK to keep Britons from freezing this winter — RT Business News

Russian tanker Christophe de Margerie has brought the first batch of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Yamal to the United Kingdom. London had to urgently turn to Russian gas targeted by US sanctions due to supply outages.

Source: First tanker of Russian gas arrives in UK to keep Britons from freezing this winter — RT Business News

A week ago…

Britain is having indigestion gas issues…

Evil Russians are helping London folks not to freeze in winter. How evil are these “Roosskiy’s”? ~sarc~

Politics have no relation to morals. – (Niccolo Machiavelli); and it is morally right to help out the neighbors even if the neighbors have been a pain in the arse….

Besides Russia just wants to sell the Gaz…and politics does not get in the way for Russia…