Russians do not understand…

Russians have no choice but to accept that America is a chaotic mess of a country and some Russians are drawn to that about America. Though, in general the idea of trying to interfere in another countries internal politics is just a taboo thing to do. Life is hard enough without trying to make the world hate you, while you are simply surviving…

Much less Russians, I do not understand what is happening in America. I do not get the fact that so many are so complacent about what is happening! As a Russian, I feel that fence put up to corral us, is something to cut a hole in and escape…

Maybe that is what is wrong with America? Maybe that is what is right about Russia? That fence is freedom or the lack of it thereafter…

Maybe life has been boring and easy for too many, for too long in America…

There is a saying…

For me, the opposite of happiness isn’t sadness but boredom. – Sushant Singh Rajput

Does money buy happiness and does happiness remove boredom?

Then I thought of this quote as I am thinking of what is happening to America…

Boredom is rage spread thin. – Paul Tillich

I can honestly say that in America I would find myself bored many times. I can also honestly say that once I came to Russia, boredom became a thing of the past. A past I was glad to leave behind actually. I did not know as I traveled the world that boredom was so deadly…

I never have enough time in the day to get everything done in my life anymore. If one thing stalemates? Another thing blossoms and grows in its place. There is never a time that I do not find something so absorbing too challenge me that I am bored. In America, too many times things where taken out of my hands and became boring very quickly…

Good thought for today. We Americans need to get this one saying stuck in our heads…

Rules, regulations, constant supervision, nanny effect has that as a result. As a child, I was not bored. I did things that maybe I should not do, but I did them and expected to be able to always do them. Eg.- I tossed sticks of dynamite as a kid. It was dangerous as hell, but life was free and effeminately not boring. I emptied thousands of firecrackers and used the gun powder to create bombs of my own making and never dreamed that I was doing wrong, for at that time of my life, I was not doing wrong. I was not bored doing these things, I was experimenting with life. I built engines for my cars, just to see and say, “I did it and mine is the best!”

But as I grew up with more and more regulations, people who thought they knew better than I, took away my freedoms to experiment. Because, it was dangerous. But I was never bored….I found new things to skirt the regulations and kept growing…

I did not do things destructive, I did things and went through stages of doing things to learn. I learned how much was just enough gun powder to make my sniper rifle function at its best. I drove my car to its limit and realized that I needed a new car to grow farther and push harder. I learned that 300 horsepower was not enough to satisfy my limits. I learned that kids and or people who had things handed to them on a silver platter, never were satisfied. They did not appreciate what they had, but if they were made to create out of thin air, they appreciated what they had…

Life has become boring in America. We are too afraid to upset the status quo? Are we?

Maybe I was a weird kid and young adult?

Then life changed and every time I turned around, someone was telling me to put on my seatbelt. Put on that helmet as you ride the motorcycle. I found that kids opening up a Lemonade Stand where at odds with the law. I found that feeding poor people was a bad thing. I found myself struggling to be good in the eyes of the society that I had been born and raised in. I found that people were scared and feared someone who thought outside of the box…

Just like when I watch this new craze about driver less cars. What kind of people want to let the car drive for them? The same people who want a chafferer to drive them? A person that sees no life in life itself? Is the fact that we have no freedom to live life, affecting our ability to let others live life?

I have talked about this before!

What good is life if you have to lock the door when you leave? Do we live in such a bad situation that your neighbor is going to rob you when they see you gone? Has life become so dull and boring that we have to strike out at all around us? Do you need more than one bathroom? Do you need ten locks on your door? Do you need cameras telling on you at every step of you existence? What is life if you are being watched all the time?

Do we grow when stifled?

Do we grow as we fear? Does scared feelings about life make you strong? Does make all equal cause growth? Is everyone the same? Am I better at something than you? Should I be chastised if I am better at something than you? Are hurt feelings detrimental or helpful to growth of a person? Just because I do not call you a girl, does that mean you are not a girl? Is being a waitperson better than being a waitress? Does associating with being black mean I am in touch with my feelings, even if I am white?

I though I was human first and foremost!

But now I understand that my being white is destructive to you as a individual. Are you that weak and worthless, that your own two feet cannot support you in life?

I am not better than you!

I am not better than they are. I am not better than those people over there. I am not better than all of nature and in fact may not be good enough for the planet, but I am a human and I want to live and learn daily….so that maybe I can be better. I and you and we and them and those have to grow and or we stagnate and waller…

Russians are wondering about America…

I am thinking…

America is that favorite soap opera. It is always changing directions when you least suspect it to, yet you know that goodness will not last. Like….the new couple who just had a kid and have a wonderful life ahead of them, decide that cheating on the other with the new kid in town is more important than living life and holding hands while you do it…

Are we bored? Are we stupid? Or are we crazy?

I am just thinking. Maybe I shouldn’t think? Does thinking help?

Yes, I think so! Thinking is what makes us human…

I will go read a book today…