The perfect kitchen helper…

Svetochka has never been one to cook. It is just something that she never thought about and was taught, like I was by my grandma. Her mother was busy raising a child by herself and Svetochka seems to have missed out on the cooking end of life…

But something the other day made me realize that she wants to learn and in fact desires to help me cook. Therefore, last night we made pizza together. I make pizza from scratch…

Raw dough, bought spaghetti sauce (Svetochka’s favorite,) chop our own cheese, and toppings we desire. Since we both just love mushrooms, we always have lots and lots of mushrooms…

Again the last few times I have be cooking; pig in the blankets and now pizza. I have included Svetochka. I have been bad and ignoring her when I cook…

We should not do that…

There just might be someone who wants to learn new stuff right around the corner and or better yet, right next to you, the one who loves you…

I am going to start teaching Svetochka about cooking. I will not be here forever, when you have had six heart attacks and a brain tumor, life is on borrowed time. I am still trying to figure out how much time I borrowed… 🙂

Have a nice day and teach someone who wants to learn something, something new today, anything and anyone. Same as read a book today and lets get back to our roots…