Read the news, then made a bigger mistake and looked at DRUDGE Report…

Pretty simple to get a feel of what is happening in the world…just look at the news from all over…. Then I decided to check USA news…

I just looked at the Drudge Report… (quaver)

The Drudge Report is a perfect symbol as the face of the USA. It is like one of those African Magical Masks, that brings the truth out from what is hidden within our souls…

Our Soul is Chaos…

My favorite quote of Matt Drudge is below…

They could put Hillary Clinton’s brain in a jar in the Oval Office, and she’d be elected. People are really sick. – Matt Drudge

Oh so true! In fact if they had done that, she would have been elected…

Okay, now that second cup of coffee….and I am going to ignore the world today. Svetochka is home, Boza is doing better today and I just want to spend time with my two buddies…

Have a nice day!