Boza taught us about life…

Boza had four good walks yesterday, he had eaten three times and he pranced and danced on his last day on earth…

For six months I knew what Sveta, who has only had one doggy in her life, would come and come sooner than we want it to. I warned her, but she never understood, until yesterday what I was talking about…

Doggies are a bit of heaven that come into your life and change the way that you see life…

I will continue to walk, for it is for my health and Boza would want me to continue our walks. He saw life as a bowl of cherries and even those damn pits, could not get in the way. Everyday was a new experience and he barged head on into whatever was there to see and do…

I have to sort out what changes this will bring:

For a year now, I have had to adjust my life to help a little guy have the best of the rest of his life he could have. I chewed his food for him, I carried him when he would get sick and I held him for hours as he struggled with the debilitating issues that he had to deal with and in the same token, I never hesitated to grab the good times and allow him to live life, even as I held him up to pee and poop. I watched every step he made as he was blind, I was a seeing eye human and tried my damnedest to support him in his quest for living his life…

As long as quality of life was above the decadence of life. I was going to give him what he needed…

But, now all that is gone and now I have to concentrate on myself and Svetochka…

Svetochka is hurting, she has lost her little buddy. She has lost family and she has learned, as I have learned, many things from Boza. Svetochka said last night, “Boza taught us many things about life!” (Maybe expound on that later in life?)

Boza spared us from having him put to sleep. Boza was that kind of doggy:

He went fast and instantly. No pain, no suffering and Svetochka was holding him as he fell down. I heard his last breaths, that death rattle, and I jumped up and said, “He is dying!” Then I said, “He died!” As I grabbed him in my arms and felt his soul leave….I had brought him back several times and tried what I always have done, but I knew better…

Svetochka was stunned and it took her awhile to garner what happened in her arms…

I thanked God that she was holding him as he died. I would say he had a stroke and passed away…

So for a day or so, I will think and walk. I will clean up the Boza stuff and clean up the dog fur that has been part of our life for over ten years. It is sad to think that once I sweep up that dog fur, it will not come back, faster than I sweep it up…

If doggies go to doggy heaven and wait for their favorite owners? I know he will be there waiting for Svetochka…

He loved her and would give his life for her. I was alpha and this alpha is crying, for his buddy, a family member, has died…

See you in a few days. I have to think…

Kyle and Svetochka at WtR