Thank You: Nice E-mails about Boza…

Boza was a good doggy and he taught Svetochka and I many things about life. I think he taught us, because we listened, watched and interacted. Boza was not just a noise maker to guard against intruders. Boza was family and amiable doggy owners understand that…

We want to thank those who sent RIP E-mails to Boza and we even got several pictures of their animals they share their home with. One in particular made me smile. Cats and computers are an interesting combination…

I personally had a rough day yesterday….but this morning, I feel better. The shock of his passing has tempered and I, after thinking, understand that it all is for the better. Boza was almost 12 years old. (Average dog death age.)

Three winters ago, Boza and I spent the most magical winter in “The Tiny Russian Village”. This winter was the last winter that Boza had at full strength and Boza and I tripped the lights fantastic…

Follow the search link above and you will find by the second page the exploits of Boza and I, in The Tiny Russian Village. The second winter with Boza in the village was rougher, Boza was starting to fail then. This winter, I knew he would not survive and being with Svetochka was very important. For both me and Boza…

I wish I could be as tough as Boza was!

Of course he thought I was tough and mean and grouchy!

But, he also knew I loved him, as I love Svetochka also, with all my heart, we were a family…

Thanks for the kind e-mails. Good people come out when needed…