Svetochka and her camera… (photo day)

All above in thumbnail format, just click the image and get the huge photo…

I gave Svetochka an Easter Tree…

I have been with Svetochka a long time now. It is twelve years for me in Russia and I have learned what constitutes as something that Sveta will like. (About time, huh?) I found this kit for what I call an Easter Christmas Tree. Easter morning I put it together, while Svetochka slept and had it waiting with two little Easter Cakes…. (called a Kulich)

That is how to make a sweet pea happy, she is a good girl and loves simple things in life…

We had a breakfast bowl of grechka with mushrooms, one sunny side up egg, two thin slices of Canadian Bacon and two thin slices of cheese….each. Good start for a good day…

Recipe From Russia: A Very Simple Kulich! (Easter Pie or Cake)

Next weekend, Sveta wants to get tickets and we will go to the circus that is in town…. Yippy!

I have to stay home today and hibernate, I got sick and feel terrible. So I am writing on the blog and doing all my other sites. I am also thinking about getting to the Tiny Russian Village…

It is time to see TRV…