Paul Craig Roberts is right, but gets one thing very wrong…

The Crisis Is Only In Its Beginning Stages Paul Craig Roberts Many, including Russia’s President Putin, have asked why the US launched an illegal attack on

That time is coming for Russia, China and Iran. It is simply, time is of the essence…

Russia, China and Iran (and many many more countries in the world) are biding their time. Everyday that goes by, the Western Empire weakens that much more, that much more debt is pilled up and the moral structure rots a little more…

Time is the factor to look at…

Paul Craig Roberts has it pretty accurate and the actions of the opposed will only bring more of the same. But, when facing a psychotic crazy person, who has nothing to loose. You must weigh and measure the reactions against their actions. If that psycho is a 1000# bully? You must wait until the time to strike is perfect…

Then and only then will you rid yourself of that psycho bully…

Until then, wait we must…