We could be watching a equipoise…

Time will tell if what we are witnessing is nothing but a alteration of the outward fixture, or if what we are seeing is a true solidity of corporeality…

I have a desire to see Europe get off its ass and become something worthy of being called civilized, but I have my doubts as to what is really happening. The EU is talking the talk right now, but can the EU walk the walk?

“At this point, we have to replace the United States which as an international actor has lost vigor, and because of it, in the long-term, influence,” President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said while speaking to Belgium’s Flemish regional parliament on Wednesday. He went on to say that Washington had been turning away from constructive international relations “with a ferocity that can only surprise us.”

I will make it simple: Equipoise means, “balance of forces or interests” and that is totally necessary for the world…

The USA is a perfect example of what happens when outside and inside forces run amok and lose site of right and wrong. I voted for Trump to do just what he is doing. I realized, good or bad, he was going to turn things upside down and not necessarily for the better. Trump could never fix anything (the issue was past fixing,) but he was capable to upset that applecart and maybe, just maybe he has. That means my vote was worth it…

I also will say that the EU has enough issues to choke a horse, but they need to make sure that the issues are their issues and not someone else’s issues being dumped on them…

Therefore, the EU better grab it while they can. Fix issues and take care of her people. This means to get out from under the coercer called America. The EU is much more in alignment with Russia and China, for its future. The USA is not able to offer a future for the EU, or at least a future that is not riddled with pain and suffering in financial and warmongering ways and means…

I can only hope that Europe will wake up and start turning the ship in the correct direction. Russia and China will help and support such a move. The USA has lost its way and has to see the bottom, before getting its act back together again…

I see that a fork in the road has been reached and the decisions made in the next few weeks could make or break the world. The EU has been given a tough row to hoe….Stay with the old and hope for the better and or grab something new and make something better out of what you grab…

Most likely made in China… 🙂

Dr. Seuss said it best…

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. – Dr. Seuss

Wake up people….no more reliant upon others who have no interest in your future. You must do what is good for you and your loved ones, your country and your country’s people. Grab an oar and row, if you have to…

As I talked about yesterday:

Those who do support the US and those that don’t…

Maybe the EU would do better letting Britain get on out?

We will see!