Just some coffee thoughts… Chess or Checkers?

China and Russia succeeded in getting North Korea and the USA together. It was not easy and much pressure had to be exerted underlining against both countries. The US did its best to slip out of the meeting and almost succeeded. North Korea had to be arm twisted several times by China and then by Russia and with enough back room deals, North Korea was assured that they were protected against the, without a doubt deceit that will come from the Western Empire…

The hoopla is just that hoopla…

North Korea has had several landmark meetings with China and Russia in that last few months. Meetings that intentionally were allowed to slid under the hoopla being spouted by America and rightly so. For no truth gets out unless the agenda is present…

This is a win win for China and Russia and it is simply a step to the end goal. Exactly like a playing chess against checkers. Moves are well thought out in advance, just as they did and are doing….what with a back against the wall USA and a buffer country (NK) getting rightly deserved attention and even will get future compensation from going along with it….it is as I have said many times; Time is important and the longer the East pushes the confrontation down the road, the better it will be for the world…

The Western Empire has found itself, finally after so many many years, doing what it should have those many years ago, after it started a war of geopolitics with the Koreans. Don’t believe me, just do some searching and find out what Korea was really all about. Forget the communism hoopla, look at the real reason and as with you will see also, if you search, a Japan demoralized at WW2 and its run up, you will also see many many years of lies and deceit over the Korean fiasco….just like Libya, Syria, Iraq and so on and so on….connect the dots and you will see America playing checkers and jumping all over the place in chaos…

It is what it is…

Nothing more is needed to be read into this hoopla that we are seeing. This is part of the game of geopolitics and America is not winning. We cannot win unless we start that endless war. This Korea issue is one of long term patience by the East and that is something that America never wins at…


When a checkers player tries to play chess? The results is always long term win by the chess player…

What should we play?

Sometimes I think America and puppets even desire to play “tiddlywinks”…