Rough Night; Better yet, what night?

Life is one of those things that crashes, when you wish it would not…

Two O’Clock a.m. and I had to end the terrible night I was having and simply got up. About an hour after getting up, I brewed some coffee and sat down at the computer. Then I decided to write this post…

Thank God that these nights are few and far between compared to the past. Ten years ago, these nights were every other night. It was rough and then I spent several years in the Tiny Russian Village and found a balance within myself. That is when things started to reverse…

But I am no stranger to long nights…

Doggy hungry and eye bothering him; only 1 a.m. in the Tiny Russian Village…

But, even with Boza gone and his issues, I still have to deal with once or twice a month a night of hell….night sweats and intense pain….my own issues are no fun at times…

Last night, or the attempt at a night, was one of those bad nights…

Sveta and I rode our bikes yesterday. She recorded the trip back and it was 10 kilometers one way. It was interesting and we ended up deep in the woods around Moscow. We also found the main source of water for Moscow in the old days…seems it supplied Moscow for over a hundred years or so. Really cool…

Need to go back to the water supply place. It is not on the internet and it is an important place for us to record on the blog….need pictures…

DPRK leader Kim Jong-Un and US President Donald Trump…

I doubt most Americans are able to see what I see in this photo. I have seen hundreds of photos of the meeting between DPRK leader Kim Jong-Un and US President Donald Trump. It was east meets west….DPRK showed total respect and that is how it should be. Trump is Kim’s elder and that is what the pictures show in respect to…

It is the east thingy….I guess you won’t see it?

Outer drivers side tie rod end went out on Sammy the Volga. The only joint that cannot be greased properly and poof it went bye-bye…

Therefore, yesterday was a day of hunting down a new one. Our car is getting rare and so when we found a replacement we bought several to have as backup. The same joint is used in four places on the front suspension. We even bought one rebuild kit for emergency use…

I will on Wednesday get the job done. Svetochka will bring the parts home Tuesday after the auto parts store get them in…

Always never ending things to do and never boring around my world…