We want to fry your mind…

First Cuba fried American minds in the Embassy world…. Now China is frying American Embassy workers minds…

And, as Russia are saying, thinking and laughing about…. I suspect soon that Russia will be frying the minds of American in the Embassy and or anywhere that they can. For it is the thing to do…

Oh my! Popular Mechanics says…

There are two reasons State is paranoid about missing future attacks. For one thing, the attack in China has led to real fear of either a wider plot by a foreign power (many say Russia) or the rise of copycats who see a way to hurt and terrorize U.S. diplomats with impunity.

Mark my words, soon Russia will be blamed for sonic attacks also… (evil evil evil)

I just wonder if Americans are not fried mentally anyway? Seriously, not a joke. Are we mental?

I know, build a Trump Wall, lock the gate and toss the key in the ocean…