West tried to bait Russia and failed again…

When Israel pulled its WW3 instigating attack. I wrote this below…

Oops and a few more means war!

But Russia which is more patient than “Job from the Bible”, has calmly investigated what happened and called all parties to the carpet over it. Instead of WW3 we have a getting more pissed by the minute Russia….pissed and asking questions that come to the point of the matter…

Israel does not normally acknowledge its airstrikes in Syria, at least not until much later. However, the IDF made a rare immediate admission of responsibility on Tuesday, after the Russian Defense Ministry identified Israeli F-16 jets as taking part in the attack, and said the Il-20 aerial observation platform vanished from radars during the strike.

Source: Satellite pics show Syria strike as Israeli Air Force chief goes to Moscow to explain Il-20 incident — RT World News

I have come to the conclusion that Israel, Britain, France and America are the biggest loose canons and no one, but no one is in control of those countries….but one thing is obvious; They want war and more war to boot…

May the world thank Russia for not reacting as the West wants her to….Russia understands that America and cronies are mental sick and you never know what triggers the situation. The world is having a balance issue and China and Russia are trying to get it back inline…

There really is a large group of people all over the world trying to upset the apple cart…



Israel finally admitted to carrying out over 200 such missions over the past 18 months, only a few of which ever made any kind of international media, recently. And with the sneak attack on Latakia which involved using a Russian IL-20 ELINT war plane as radar cover Israel has now not only raised the stakes to an unacceptable level, it has also ensured that this may be the last such aerial assault it will ever be able to carry out.