There is cynicism here somewhere?

The U.S., Russia, China, European Union, Turkey, Indonesia, Australia, and multiple other nations are trying to put reins on the India-Pakistan situation, which by the way is looking like a Pakistani counter-attack coming against India…

Meanwhile the United States of America is planning an annexation of Venezuela from several nations located around Venezuela…

There is cynicism here somewhere?

Pakistan’s army has warned it will respond to India’s aerial bombing over the disputed border in Kashmir, telling Delhi: “It is your turn now to wait and get ready for our surprise.” Pakistan’s foreign ministry has summoned India’s top diplomat in Islamabad to protest against the pre-dawn airstrike on what India called a terrorist training camp, while India has accused Islamabad of shelling the disputed region in an “unprovoked” violation of the 2003 ceasefire.

Source: ‘Get ready for our surprise’: Pakistan warns India it will respond to airstrikes | World news | The Guardian

“Regardless of how odious Maduro is, he is in effective control,” O’Connell says. “Under international law, he is treated as the head of government. The fact the U.S. and other states have recognized opposition leader Guaidó as the legitimate president is irrelevant for these purposes. Guaidó must win the support of the military and other Maduro backers to govern. It is governing that matters, not the preferences of outside states.” O’Connell says military action will cause as much pain as it might

Source: US military action in Venezuela would violate international law, expert says | News | Notre Dame News | University of Notre Dame

I know….lets all go to war with everyone and then we can see who is left after we radiate the world…