The Vauxhall messed up…

Coffee is so good with truth.

The truth is leaking out of the Vauxhall | Hidden London keep. It appears that Skripal knew too much personally about Christopher Steele’s Trump–Russia dossier, also known as the Steele dossier, via Pablo Miller the infamous MI6 agent, and Skripal intended to use it as bargaining chip to get himself back to Russia. Yulia Skripal then came over to help her dad’s escape with fake documents to change his identity and hers…

MI6 got wind of the plan and devised a counter plan. They tried to kill her by sending a poisoned bottle of perfume to her with a Russian postmark. Her father immediately spotted the deception and dumped it in a litter bin…

Everything that happened after that initial fakery was just another panicked/rushed/botched cover up with a fake Russian Novichok Attack, compliant cops, nurses and of course the face licking puppy media…

More to come, for The Vauxhall messed up and Russia did it of course…