I can slow down now and speed up again…

I laid the groundwork/outline for three books. Finished 7 short stories and tidied up 10 short stories about a Little Bear for children. Now I can work at an even pace…

When the ideas are flowing, I have to get the ideas down. They never stay the same if I let time flow by too long…


But, I have to take the clutch master cylinder out of Sammy the Volga. We have the part and it has to be put in before we can get to the Tiny Russian Village. I am still fighting the remains of the flue and to be honest, I am scared of getting sick again. I have had pneumonia six times in my life and being weakened by the flue, makes that a possibility magnified…

So, I will wait until the weather is better and it is almost there. The next sun shiny day, I will be working on Sammy the Volga…

It was nice this winter, Sammy does not have any leaks inside her anymore. All the work done has sealed her up good and no water sitting in the floorboards. Older cars have always had issues with that and Sammy was no exception, but she is happy now…

Sammy the Volga fired right up after a month just sitting and waiting to get out of the snow and or ice. I am always amazed at how these Volga engines will start almost every time in any temperature. They are not a tight tolerance engine and I think that is the key to being able to survive the harshness of Russia. They are designed to simply run, not give super performance. When there is three feet of ice and snow on the ground, for four or five months and more. Performance is not high on the list. Just good low rpm power and running at -40 below…

Oh my goodness, Russians have some sweet tourist deals to Venice Italy, I mean dirt cheap and Svetochka is looking at me and pointing at the deals. I do not know how to swing it, but they are so cheap that to pass up a week in Venice at this price would be a crime. Besides, the Italians are being smart and questioning the status quo of the EU and the rest of the USA Western Empire. We need to help Italy out…

There is Svetochka pointing at those super Venice deals right now… 😉

I (but needs to be we) wanna go to China, if I was Russian that would be easy, being American takes much more effort to go to China…

Maybe next time….Svetochka is still pointing at Venice and dreaming…

Too much to do and too many things to get done…

I just wanna go to the Tiny Russian Village and walk, work and R&R…