Oh No! My hot water is gone…

Where to complain if the hot water is turned off for more than 14 days:

Летнее отключение горячего водоснабжения на две недели – давняя традиция коммунальных служб, которая заставляет россиян вооружаться тазиками, ковшами, чайниками и кипятильниками. Но что делать, если горячей воды нет уже более 14 дней? В вопросе разбиралась корреспондент «РИАМО в Королеве».

The summer off of hot water for two weeks is a long tradition of public utilities, which forces Russians to arm themselves with basins, ladles, kettles and boilers. But what if there is no hot water for more than 14 days? The correspondent of “RIAMO in Korolev” understood the question…

Source: Куда жаловаться, если горячую воду отключили на срок более 14 дней – Советы – РИАМО в Королеве

Thus, if there is no hot water for more than two weeks, then you can write complaints to various authorities, referring to Federal Law No. 416-ФЗ dated December 7, 2011, Government Decree No. 354 dated May 6, 2011 and SanPiN 09 (paragraph 3.1.11).

Yes people it is that time of the year again…

No Hot Water Every Year is Normal…

But….if you get testy enough about it….follow the rules and make a big fat complaint…

We have to deal with it around the end of July or so…

Two weeks with no hot water! I guess I need to go to the village? Wait, they hardly have any water at all…

Sounds good to me…


PS: Poll by topic in image below from website above…

How do you experience the shutdown of hot water?
The old-fashioned way: saucepans, basins, immersion boilers – 46%
I go to visit relatives and friends – 6%
I have a instant hot water tank installed – 26%
I take a shower in a fitness club – 7%
I go to the sauna – 10%
I am tough and take a cold shower – 5%

and I am a bear… .01%