Svetochka and I worked and worked…

And Sveta ate cherries, George ate bugs also…

Caught both my workers taking their twentieth lunch break…They kinda look alike while sneaking food as we are suppose to be working…

But it all got done…

Between rains and high winds. Sveta helped me and we built a new gate for the back of Nikolai’s Home

Today is +9 and rainy and windy…

I looked around for summer and all I found was a grouchy old man winter, rubbing the sand out of his eyes. I hope he goes back to sleep soon. I have lots to do at the Tiny Russian Village…

We are back to Momachka’s home and will sleep well tonight. I fixed sliced turkey, seafood salad and fried pita bread for dinner and then we crawled in bed and soon were snoring away…

That gate almost whooped us… 😉