Almost July and +7 last night in TRV and HTTPS

Old Man Winter woke up and decided to smack us all with a cold spell. The high for the next few weeks looks to be about max +20 C….

Is summer over?

Not quite, but it could be on the downhill swing here in Russia! You just have to remember that I tell you, “Winter is almost eight months long and the other three seasons are four months long all together.”

Yesterday was +12 at the best…

Windows to Russia has finally been switched to HTTPS…

Svetochka worked long and hard to switch WtR to a Google friendly https (Yes, Google will slap you with many degrading penalties such as in search functions on Google with no https)….even though in Russia, Yandex says, “That is good to do, but we will not penalize you for not being https!”

Yandex rocks as a search engine…

It was not easy and Sveta said, “If anyone wants their site switched, they have to pay at least $100 cold hard cash, Dude!”

I think Svetochka listens to me talk to much in English…

Cold Hard Cash, Dude!

That is it and I am going to go walk as Sweet Pea gets a few more hours of sleep. She is snuggled in bed like a bug in a rug…

Have a nice day…