Wonderful wild storms came and went TRV…

A hundred years to live here would just be a good beginning…

As soon as one storm came, another followed half an hour later…

So I worked between the storm cells and still got things done. I did not get as much done as normal, but I needed a break anyway. I installed an antenna for the TV at the mother inlaws home, I built a gate for the backyard at her home, I refixed the hammer handle that I had fixed and broke again, I went to Vova’s and had dinner (Wild Boar – дикий кабан, fried eggs and tea.) and then I also walked twice…

The hammer seems to want to be in a broken state. But, I glued it, wrapped a roll of electrical tape around half the handle, I then wrapped half the handle with very hard stiff wire and then taped the handle again. If I can get another two or three projects out of it? I will be happy…

Maybe I can make a handle myself? Like from titanium, diamond and or a telephone pole or something….? Whatever…