Svetochka is a two time Babushka…

We now have a grand daughter…

Svetochka is now blessed with grand kid number two. So she hopped a train and has steamed back to Moscow to see the little tyke. A healthy baby girl was born and the mother had a slight bleeding issue, but is okay…

She was about 8 pounds when converted from kilos…

Svetochka has gone to see if she can help with the grandson, as dad deals with a mom in intensive care and a new born…

The Russian healthcare is amazing to watch at work with these births and they so far have always gone the extra kilometer to ensure that all involved are doing good…

Therefore, I am alone in the Tiny Russian Village again. It was fun while it lasted and now it is time to get all done I need to do. Winter is coming fast and it was downright cold this morning…

Life is interesting and it is amazing how life just keeps marching forward…