Pine Cone Varenye (Pine Cone Jam) recipe

Interesting jam made from pine, cedar, or fir cones is a traditional Soviet treat (Georgia, Siberia and the Caucasus is predominant spots to use this Varenye) and they say it is good for your health. Sometimes it’s called pine honey because of its texture (if made thick). To make this, you need young green pine cones. They usually collect them in May and or June at the latest. Cones should be soft, easily punctured with a nail, and no more than two or three centimeters in length…

How to make Pine Cone Jam:

For one liter and or about a quart of varenye you only need 0.5 kilo of cones (20-30)…

Cone and sugar ratio 1:1 (half kilo of sugar to half kilo of green pine cones)…

Wash the cones carefully in hot water and place in a stainless steel pan. Why stainless steel? They will ruin enamel/aluminum pots when boiling, as they are full of lots of resin…

Add the sugar and bring to a boil. Do not add water, unless you like thinner jam…

Then cool until at a warm safe to touch the pan temperature…

And repeat the process three times….until the cones change color to dark brown and become very soft and a toothpick will go right through them..

You can add lemon, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and or other spices, as well as any type of berry fruit. Like blackberries, raspberries and even gooseberries. To change the flavor…

Canning is as normal for any jams you would can and or just refrigerate the liter of jam in a glass jar and eat it within two weeks…

It is really very good, for those making faces at why would anyone eat Pine Cone Jam (Varenye)?


PS: Varenye or Varenya is a name used for any popular whole-fruit preserve. It is a term used commonly in Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)…