What a pile of Horse Dung… (Russia’s Hostile Measures in Europe)

Justa Thinking Today…



Read it if you want propaganda at its best…

Western foreign policy “experts” don’t have a indication about how to construct any type of conjecture about Russia. Most live in a tower in Moscow and stare out the window 50 stories up and use osmosis to gather information, as if by magic. They know next to nothing about Russian history, nothing about Russian culture and incapable of extracting any knowledge and comprehension about the strength and depth of Russian technological skills. They seem to be incapable to get it through their think-tank/pea-brains, that the America is not the only game in the world. They actually think that leaving the building and going to the expat bar around the corner is akin to suffice with garnering the knowledge necessary to become an expert on Russia…

However that they belittle and demean Russia, one fact remains: Russia is a formidable military power and not one to behold a whatnot session with and displaying the attitude of a slack-jawed dolt towards the Russians…

It should be understood that the “Rand Corporation” intentionally propagates paid for and fake facts, intentionally bogus errors, misleading analysis, and denouement is intentionally of a propagandistic nature, with minute truth involved when it concerns Russia. If such faulty/lies/misinterpretations and agendas of enlightenment of information and propaganda is relied upon by any country, notably the USA, this may well be why Americans have a distorted view of reality, as we jeopardize international peace, the world over…

They want an expert on Russia from the west?

They can contact me….but they will not, for I will not write what they desire and demand…

Stop with the blatant, paid for lies about other countries…