Morning walk for my heart health in Russia…

Just walking and looking at life in Russia. Many people walking and going and I have to catch the images when there are not tons of people around. I end up taking multiple images, because someone always seems to pop up out of nowhere. The one of the half finished old home had a woman step out in front of my camera at the second I snapped the image and or many times a car comes roaring by….so I have four shots of the same thing…

-4 C this morning, Spring is here and it is really nice out right now. In fact this has been a wonderful winter. Svetochka said that it has been the best winter she ever remembers. Not to cold….not like a few years ago when Boza and I were in the Tiny Russian Village and fought some very cold days and nights…

Okay, it is officially cold in the Tiny Russian Village…

Thus, we have had it easy this winter. Almost like the Bahamas… 🙂

Have a nice day…


PS: I am ready to get to the Tiny Russian Village…