All these years in Russia, I have given voice to…

I have always said, “Time to wake up people!”

All these years in Russia, I have given voice to:

Last night I was talking to Svetochka on Viber. Then it hit her and I at about the same time. I have been writing about all that is happening in the world right now, for all these years I have been expressing and talking and posting about a life so different from what is happening in our eyes. I have been talking about so many things at times that it all gets washed out in the laundry at times…

I have talked about the East and West rift and how it is expanding rapidly. I have talked about a flailing dying Western Empire. I have talked about the lies, propaganda and the wars. I have expressed about the changes coming to us….I was never sure if it would be in my/our/yours/their lifetime or not…

I have had numerous attacks against me and my site. I have lived with death threats and DDoS attacks virtually daily. Mainly from American based computer systems. I have tried to express that things are changing and they are going to get ridiculously bad and threatening…

Within these pages of WtR (Windows to Russia), I have an amazing wealth of information. Not that it does any good for the most part, but if you started from the beginning of my exploits, you would find almost anything that you see around you expressed at some point or another within its posts…

The Pigeonhole

My archives in the link above comprise way over 7000 pages of information directed at Russia, America and the world at large. I am no prophet and I do not write with grandeur and or a flare to make people ooh and aah. In fact language of any type is a major weakness of mine…

But I have always been able to look at a car engine and see what is wrong…

The world we live in has been running on “duct tape” for many years. And the engine is broke, Kaput, as in the water pump is leaking and you still try to drive 500 miles to get home…

The whole world is in this “King Corona Virus” (Covid-19) situation, but all is not equal as we watch things unfold and progress…

The morals, conditioning, practices, greediness and lackadaisical existence of some has now come home to roost. The rift between the East and West will expand and it will become to the point of all out war and or all out total division of the world. That means the West and East will demand all countries to chose a side…

The West will know that their Utopia is the best and the East will know its Utopia is the best and the fence/wall/line drawn means you either are on one side or the other. Kinda like North and South Korea and The Military Demarcation Line (MDL)….

What we are watching is a war in a form unlike anything we have experienced:

It is truly morals and truth against immorality and lies…

You will chose a side and many will never be able to leave to the side they chose. That may be a whole different culling in a whole different way in the future. Those who do not agree with the side they are trapped in will be removed. At first nicely and at the end painfully…

The western every man for itself ideas will be expressed more and more. As the states in America become more separate due to what is happening to them, as the EU reverts back to its original countries and as the world looks on and seals their borders against outsiders…

Russia has extended everyone’s visas from other countries and I see the future of we outsiders become Russian or leave…

It should be obvious what path I will chose!

Good or bad, I am in the roller coaster ride within Russia. I see Russia and China as the future and all my talking to family and all my expressions upon this blog of what people should do and what is happening and what will be are basically done as of today…

I do not need, desire, care and or want to continue to point out the issues that have driven our world to this point. I know of thousands who have made many changes due to my writings and I know of many more millions who despise what I say in these pages…

If I helped one person to open their eyes to some truth. Then all these years and all these posts have been worth it. That I know I have accomplished and that I know makes it worth writing everyday for 13 plus years…

What has happened was in our means to stop:

What has happened is now out of our hands, unless we westerners go full anarchy…

My last basic expression of what is:That simply means do what needed to be done many years ago. Tear down what is and rebuild again with a bit of pain and turmoil. Now to do it requires lots of pain and a whole bunch of turmoil…

He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good dispositions.

THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to Peter Carr, Aug. 19, 1785


My father always told me that what’s wrong with lying is that it’s an admission of weakness. If you’re the strongest, you can afford to tell the truth.


That sums up what the Western Empire has driven us to….and we allowed it to continue as we partied and became drunk with money, immorality and desires of perverseness and grandeur…

You can believe in God or not:

But to forsake the idea of God is our downfall. Thus, everything we hold dear on this planet is a spit in the eye of God and or the idea of God…

I am not a very religious person, but I believe in something way above our heads in comprehension and we just have been spitting in their eye for many years and never appreciating what a wonderful world we have been given to grow and develop on…

When you look at other planets in our Solar system, you realize how special our planet is and then the realization of how foreign we as a species on this planet really is…

Us humans are the outsider…

I have always said, “Time to wake up people!”

I will continue to post, but my job is done and I have too many other things to do than write hours at a time upon these pages. I have to keep preparing and prepare upon my preparations that have been done to survive what is coming. I am not in limbo as most of you are right now. I have two village homes and lots of tools, food and stuff to create and grow more of all of it…

I am sad that my sweetpea could not get her family to wake up and see the light. They, as with almost everyone, simply hid their head in the sand and now, just in the last week understand that things are never going to be the same…

This is where Sveta and I differ. She could never leave her mom and would die staying. I will dig in and make a safe home and try to get people to wake up. But I will not go down just sitting around and hoping someone, something and or god, God, GOD saves me. Follow me and we will work together to save ourselves and make a life. there really are not many left in the Western world like me and we are demonized constantly in the west….I am getting a huge garden ready, I am storing food, I am storing fuel and I am preparing for a long interesting change of our lives…

At some point I hope to be able to figure out how to get Sveta and her family out of Moscow. But that could be interesting and I am hoping that Russia steers toward the people and not all mighty god the government entity…

I have always been very independent, yet I have always wanted one person to love and rely on. Sveta is that person and my only dream right now is to get her to the Tiny Russian Village to be safe. Thus, I have to have these homes ready to defend and live a life to at least the end of our times…

The internet is and has been my friend in learning about simple things to change and survive without power and tools running on power. Best way to grow food and most of all, survive long cold hard winters…
I have always said, “Time to wake up people!”

My last basic expression of what is:

What is will never be the same….take that how you want to. If you live in a big city? Expect your life to change much faster and maybe more violently than if you live in the country. When the city people escape and swarm the countryside, then the country boys will have to change their lives and fight or die doing it…

This is not a game anymore. It may be to a handful of people sitting in their ivory towers, but to 7.5 billion of us, this is not a game anymore….This is for us to deal with and make the best of it that we can. We can either go down fighting or we can go down with a whimper and crying. History is our lessons and we should have learned by now…

Sounds terrible, yet it will happen if things do not get a semblance and balance of order soon. No work no money and no system that we know of will work in the city. One thing that city people for the most part do not realize is that Urban society is supported by Rural society and as the division and knowledge base degraded between the two; we have found that too many people think milk magically appears in the refrigerator shelf at the store…

The seeds of thoughts have been planted. The people have to hit bottom, like a drunk and or drug user must finally reach the point of change and or die. The states in America have now seen the light. The EU is watching their dream unravel. Every country for itself, every person for themselves and most of all every family must be for themselves. That is if we keep what we had in any form or sameness…

It is interesting, that the countries that have been beat on, sanctioned and forced to become self-reliant are the ones that will come out of this at the top. When your people do not have grandiose ideas, when you live a life more simple and appreciate the basics more. When Starbucks and iPhone are not your gods…

Then you have a chance!

Maybe I will see my foxy fox today as I walk? maybe I will see the deer I have been finding droppings and tracks of today? Maybe I will get some pictures of them?

That I will post, along with what I am doing in The Tiny Russian Village…

Otherwise: I have always said, “Time to wake up people!”


PS: I hope that all my ramblings are just that, Ramblings…