Trump did get a nicely handwritten note from Kim Jong Un…

Joke of the year so far!

Trump said during a press briefing on the coronavirus pandemic last Saturday that “I received a nice note from him recently. It was a nice note. I think we’re doing fine.

But: North Korea’s Foreign Ministry said there is/was no letter addressed to Trump “recently” by “The Supreme Leader,” in a reference to the benevolent Kim Jong Un…

But, then I found out through very very very good anonymous US government sources that Trump did get a nicely handwritten note from Kim Jong Un:

It reads as quoted below…

“37OH ssV – O773H”

Trump couldn’t make any sense of it and sent it to the FBI…
The FBI couldn’t decode it and sent it to the NSA…
The NSA gave up and asked the MSS (Ministry of State Security, which is located in China by the way) for help…

Then NSA got a call from the MSS (Ministry of State Security, which is located in China by the way):

“Tell your president he’s holding the note upside down!”