Sometimes as I am working in TRV…

I just noticed at the top of the image (Black fuzzy smudge.). That is one of our eagles looking at the lake below him. Probably looking for dinner?

Sometimes as I go about my business and find myself working to repair things all around the homes. I stop long enough to take in what is around me…

Kinda like stopping and smell the coffee…

Yesterday, I felt a shift in the weather and looked up as I was finishing a project and the sun was bright, but you could feel something coming. A storm a brewing…i

Yesterday was cold and brisk. The wind was relentless all day…

I finished the barn, now today I have to clean my mess up. I also had to track down a electrical issue. The main breaker blew and would not reset. I spent two hours tracing each circuit and finally found the issue, an old wall socket had fried out. The house looked like world war three, as I found that somewhere in the wire to the socket was now a dead short. Thus, I pulled that circuit in complete and rewired the line. New plugin and new wire and I was back in business…

Never dull and never bored in the Tiny Russian Village…

Today I have to go to the Big Village, for I need to buy a main breaker set….seems that the dead short has weakened one breaker ad now I have a buzz sound under load. Not worth playing with, just get new breakers and replace them….that should solve that…

By the way, within 15 minutes of that image above….it started to snow and sleet…

I just love the Tiny Russian Village…