Let me explain something about King Coronavirus…

Get moving people and make something out of the situation you have been given and stop blaming others for the misgivings in life…

People cannot see a virus…

People cannot accept what they cannot see…

People desire to be skeptical about what they cannot see…

People dislike being told what to do…

People are basically simple-minded…

Then someone you know, either family, friend and or a very important person in your life, dies from King Coronavirus…

Skepticism and disbelief turns to sorrow and fear…

For at that point, whether you can see King Corona or not, you realize that he is really out there and waiting for you. That person you had just die in your life from the King Corona should have lived many more years. Even with diabetes and or what ever issues they have. Their productivity to life in general is gone….and you the proverbial student within their life may have been the one to kill them…

Eg….As in a case that I just found out about: A very important Russian cancer “Doctor of Surgery” at mid sixties in age, while helping on the front line in fighting this King Corona, died from the King…

The King Corona does not care and he will cut your life short, even while most around you are all okay and carrying him from new host to new host. If you have a weakness for him to exploit, he will take you from earth and in a very bad way…

That my friend is why I am careful around everyone and wear my mask when I go to the Big Village and wash my hands a bunch and try to stay as self-isolated as I can, so that I can still be productive in life and hopefully one day, when something comes along and changes the situation, I can get back to a semblance of normality…

I know more than a few who have died of King Corona and many are very important people and those people, even though they were old and had other health issues, they were still a very productive part of the future and advancement of mankind…

King Coronavirus does not give a damn whether you believe in him or not….nor whether you believe this is a hoax or not…


PS: I surmise and consider that if I die at 70 from a virus that we could keep from getting and I would have lived to 80 otherwise. I consider those ten years a good thing to have lived and experienced life. – I myself personally could have died twenty + years ago from heart issues, and or from a brain tumor. Yet I have had twenty good years more in life and I would like a few more, please!

To put in more crass and simple terms: There are times it just ain’t worth trying to be a badass with a foe who does not give a damn!