Well that was easy to predict…

Yawn says Winnie the Poo!

So tiring and so old hat…

Time to plant the garden for American elections: Russia, China…China, Russia… (Rinse & Repeat)….hell that garden has been growing for years now and they keep fertilizing it with lies…

Sow in a little Iran, Venezuela, EU, and North Korea and toss in a tiny bit of abused Cuba to keep things interesting…

Never a true thought within the cranium about repercussions and such…

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he believes China’s handling of the coronavirus is proof that Beijing “will do anything they can” to make him lose his re-election bid in November. In an interview with Reuters in the Oval Office, Trump said he was looking at different options in terms of consequences for China over the virus. “I can do a lot,” he said.

Source: Exclusive: Trump says China wants him to lose re-election race – Reuters

I blame you for my faults…

I really thought Obama was the king of blaming & lies, but I see that Trump desires that crown and will blame everyone and anything for his faults. If he would just man up and tell the truth? That would be a different story, but he like all these many many years of our US Gov & puppet presidents, are always looking for who to blame for that ugly mug they see in the mirror each morning as they brush their teeth…

Every time I think we have hit a new low and that the gutter cannot be dug any deeper, we decide to get a bigger backhoe and dig down a little more…

The UK is blaming Russia for just about everything and Bubba is blaming China now for everything. OK, Bubba also blames Russia for being just well, Russia…

Then lets not even talk about Jr in the middle who is pulling the strings….up, down, left, right, backwards and forwards…

Some mornings you get up and as you sip a delicious cup of coffee, you see that over night, stupidity took a turn for the worse and someone is trying to say,

“Hey look over there, a squirrel!”