My thought about the riots in America…

I walked at 3 a.m. and thought about something…

The USA: Around 40 million people out of work, society in a nervous breakdown, a police force out of control & murdering people, a population with give or take 300 million legal and many illegal guns, and everybody wearing a face mask….What the hell could go wrong?

Then I became thoughtful some more…

~~ Why is the world standing by enjoying the soap opera whilst this perfect freedom loving sweet fascist regime suppresses the people in the land of liberty and freedom called America?

Isn’t it time some freedom loving countries start supply these freedom fighters with weapons to defend themselves from the love and understanding being shown?

Also, why aren’t governments worldwide selecting a new president for this freedom and democracy of a country?

The entire US govt. is broken and hateful to the peasants, lock up their and that is politicians and others, savings abroad, put a no fly zone over the US and bomb some real democracy into this pit of soiled land…

It’s like the world doesn’t care about freedom anymore? ~~

Sarcasm of the truth. For this is exactly how the USA treats other countries when this happens…

It is all okay! Just ignore the main fact that this was over just $20 bill of fake money, which the truth is all dollars are fake and the cops, one with his knee on a mans neck and others watching and doing nothing, all the while the man pleaded and begged for his life. You will be there one day and wonder why you ignored something like this…

(CNN)Surveillance video from outside a Minneapolis restaurant appears to contradict police claims that George Floyd resisted arrest before an officer knelt on his neck. – Source: Surveillance video does not support police claims that George Floyd resisted arrest – CNN

Therefore, while I am being sarcastic (maybe & maybe not), the truth is not what you want to hear….I have said many times. Grow up people and look in the mirror…

Man, that mirror sucks right now in the USA…


Pretty simple actually…

Oh and Twitter is censoring like crazy about just about everything…