USA demanding Russia & China, New START / INF Treaty the US ditched last year.

Get it off my chest time…

Remember everything is interconnected as it is being done…

Good coffee by the way!

Russians should not waste their time on any agreements with USA. What’s the point having an agreement (any agreement) and complying with it, when the Americans do not bother and are in habit of abandoning literally all agreements at will when they want to play games? Chinese are quite pragmatic in what and how they do things…

And this is the real reason that China is now the main target of Neocons. It is the only large country with any liquidity able and willing to invest in countries that we in the U.S. unjustly target. China is the only country buying oil from Venezuela, Iran, and now trying to do business with Lebanon and it infuriates the supremacists in the USA. And it is why I am basically called and considered a traitor…

I do not want a world where the U.S. can unilaterally prevent any country from being able to trade or have access to its own bank accounts just because we feel like doing it to them. I do not want a world that a superpower just ignores rules and regulations as it seems fit…

When we compare the leaders of Hezbollah, Iran, China or Russia with the low life politicians that nationalism/democracy/capitalism has brought to power in the West (and to its game played so called allies, we easily explain the radical turn that is taking the course of history right now…

I really lost it when we bragged and threatened how we were able to prevent tankers from Malta and Singapore from shipping Venezuelan oil, oh wow, the great and powerful U.S. bullying the smallest countries on earth. This will make July 4, 2020 very special to me, I’ll be celebrating that accomplishment. These Neocons are sick in the head and many many more are dancing their tune…

“And it is why I am basically a traitor.”

The machinery of our government has been hijacked by a well-organized horde of power-mad, psychopathic sociopaths…

I am far from a traitor in my thoughts. I am wanting my country to lead by example, a good honest example, not leading with a strong arm and crushing counties that it deems opponents, that are false opponents to its Empire, through and by illegal and immoral methods…

America/USA is simply the most evil nation that has ever existed on this planet to this point. It makes the Third Reich appear quite sane and moderate by comparison, and Hitler a rank amateur if not a choirboy…

Over the past 70 years, America has butchered, slaughtered, starved and immiserated hundreds of millions across the planet, and reduced ancient cultures back to the Stone Age. It is continuing to do so on a daily basis, constantly seeking out new victims. It is like a rabid dog that simply has to be put down for the sake of the rest of humanity. There is no alternative…

“America Delenda Est.” in its form as it stands now. For the people of the USA and the peace of the world…

There will be no peace or justice anywhere in the world until that happens. It’s as basic as that…

Over 40% of humanity is now directly subject to US economic terrorism, which is being extended even to its most abjectly servile satellites, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, Japan…

Nothing will change until Americans have to watch their own children starving in front of them and dying for lack of basic medicine. This literally needs to happen. They will never finally clean up their act until they are starving and freezing in the rubble of their ruined cities, like the Germans & others before them in 1945…

Americans are just cogs in a vast machinery of evil, whether they realize it or not (we approvingly help turn that cog.) The jackboot has to be finally be removed from the neck of humanity. Whatever Americans suffer will be more richly deserved than anything else in history (for we have spanned the globe, not just a huge swath of land.) Wherewith, a very weighty account is to be settled with compound interest for 70 plus years of egregious crushing of innocents all around the world…

We Americans are at fault much more than the rest of the world. Yet I still blame Russia, China, European areas and simply the whole world also, everyone sits by and watches it all happen. Everyone loves to worship money and money is the GOD we worship…

But and yet, there are signs that changes are closer than anyone realizes. America is on the verge of economic and financial collapse, which is why its looting and extortion of other countries has reached unprecedented levels. Political, social, cultural, racial and moral disintegration. The end can come with unexpected rapidity, as the collapse of other regimes in history will attest to. Few world wide would mourn its passing. Other than the ones within the Empire as they have lost their playtime among the sandbox children..

To those who find this too extreme, I would just say remember half a million children under 5 yr who starved and died in Iraq. And all the millions of others across the world. And the millions of children they are actively planning to slaughter in the future. e.g… it is clear knowledge that they want to crush North Korea, Iran, Russia, China and dozens more….sanctions kill and hurt more than just the country they are imposed upon. Never forget that humans like you and I, live there also. We all suffer when financial sanctions and blockades are imposed upon the place you live, work and play…

This has to be stopped…

Can anyone seriously doubt that the world would be an immeasurably better place right now if America detached itself from the planet and floated off into outer space?

Seriously, if you traveled the world as I do….you would find a very very beautiful and wonderful world. Exceptions in small areas of it, yet the exceptions are a far cry better than the huge 800 lb Gorilla sitting in the corner waiting to rip your head off. Because he can…

Russia needs to keep walking away from the Western Empire and as with China….it is time to ignore that US Gorilla and cut off its supplies of cheap goods….no matter what the cost in the short term…

Let the USA lay wallowing in its self-pity, blaming others, immoral acts and see if it can garner the ability again to pull itself out of the quagmire it has put itself into. Yes we all helped do it, us Americans, as we party liked no tomorrow…

Remember everything is interconnected as it is being done…