Some thoughts from TRV this morning…

I was waiting for this to happen. Russia has decided to get rid of politicians with dual passports. This is a good thing when you are dealing with the government of any country. Dual citizenship is a contradiction to the job…

450 members in the Duma. 39 are being said to have dual citizenship. Time to either get rid of them and or they chose which citizenship they so desire….get it done Russia…

So for your information and mine…

The State Duma will check a number of deputies for the possible presence of foreign citizenship

Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin today instructed Piskarev’s committee (for security and combating corruption) and the Arshba commission (for monitoring the reliability of income) to request information from the Central Election Commission about the possible presence of dual citizenship from a number of State Duma deputies.

Where did the topic come from: The deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Denis Parfyonov made such a request.

“… the appeal of the deputy Denis Parfenov is a serious accusation, this information must be checked. And if the information is confirmed, take the measures provided by law. If the information is not confirmed, the question will arise already to those who disseminate false information. Such accusations must not be allowed to be presented unreasonably, ”Volodin said.

Спикер Государственной думы России Вячеслав Володин поручил главе комитета по безопасности и противодействию коррупции Василию Пискареву и главе комиссии по контролю за достоверностью доходов депутатов Отари Аршбе запросить у Центризбиркома информацию о возможном наличии двойного гражданства у ряда депутатов ГД. Об этом заявила советница спикера Анастасия Кашеварова.По ее словам, поводом для проведения такой проверки стала «просьба» депутата от КПРФ Дениса Парфенова. Однако, к кому именно с такой «просьбой» обратился коммунист, Кашеварова не уточнила.Сам Денис Парфенов рассказал, что еще в конце июня получил от главы фракции «Единая Россия» в Госдуме Сергея Неверова запрос. В нем Неверов просил пояснить, что имел в виду Парфенов, заявляя в апреле 2020 года о возможном наличии у 39 единороссов двойного гражданства. «Ну, раз сама „Единая Россия“ меня просит, то я сделал запрос в администрацию президента, в другие структуры, в том числе и комиссию по этике, направил запрос и самому Вячеславу Володину около недели назад», — пояснил Парфенов. Пока ни на один из запросов коммунист ответ не получил.

Source: Госдума проверит наличие у депутатов двойного гражданства

Speaker of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin instructed the head of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Vasily Piskarev and the head of the Commission for Monitoring the Reliability of Incomes of Deputies, Otari Arshbe, to request information from the Central Election Commission about the possible presence of dual citizenship from a number of State Duma deputies. Speaker’s advisor Anastasia Kashevarova stated this .

According to her, the reason for such a check was the “request” of the Communist Party deputy Denis Parfenov. However, Kashevarova did not specify to whom exactly this “request” was addressed by the communist.

Denis Parfenov himself told that at the end of June he received a request from the head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma Sergei Neverov. In it, Neverov asked to clarify what Parfenov meant when he announced in April 2020 that 39 United Russia members might have dual citizenship. “Well, since United Russia itself asks me, I made a request to the presidential administration, to other structures, including the ethics commission, and sent a request to Vyacheslav Volodin himself about a week ago,” Parfenov explained. So far, the communist has not received an answer to any of the requests.


A key part of Vladimir Putin’s constitutional changes, approved in a national vote earlier this month, called for a halt to top officials having foreign passports or the right to reside in other countries. The clause was popular with the public, given the number of times over the past three decades that corrupt former politicians or bureaucrats have fled abroad after milking Russia.

Source: Russian authorities to investigate as Communist MP claims 39 ruling party politicians have dual citizenship or foreign residency — RT Russia News


I then wondered, “How many US politicians in such a situation have dual passports?”

I think the truth will not be known, for if it was, we would be amazed. I am glad Russia is smart enough to weed out the fifth column of scum…

Funny how it is easy to find out this info in Russia, yet when I look for the same in the American government, nada….net….no….nee-yu….nyet…

Well any truth that is…

This morning as I walked…

A man about my age was riding his bike into the Tiny Russian Village. He had a tiny village doggy running behind him and as he and I said good morning, Foxy Fox came out of the reeds along the lake. He knew the little doggy and those two barked at each other and off they went. Little doggy ran past me but Foxy Fox stopped and looked at me. I said, “Come on!” Then I stepped aside and he yelped at me and off he went to catch his buddy the little doggy. The last I saw of them, the guy was walking his bike up the mountain and foxy Fox and little doggy were running around him in circles playing all the way up the hill…

If you only knew how many lies you are told about Russia in the news and by your government, then you would be unable to ever believe what they told you again…

It surprises me how disinterested we are today about things like physics, space, the universe and philosophy of our existence, our purpose, our final destination. Its a crazy world out there. Be curious. – Stephen Hawking

Sanction Russia again and again. Sanction China again and again. Sanction EU, sanction Germany, sanction Iran, Sanction Venezuela, Sanction Syria, Sanction your mother, father and the damn doggy. just sanction and sanction and expect everyone to like it and take it or else….heck there has to be thirty or forty countries under some form of sanctions by the US…

Source: One Quarter of the World’s Population is Under US Sanction – UncommonThought

Get it over with and just sanction the whole world, yes you USA, just sanction the world and then everyone else can get on with life and ignore you. That self-proclaimed Ivory Tower will be very lonely…

I have been singing baa baa Black sheep all morning…

Baa, baa, black sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir
Three bags full

One for the master
And one for the dame
One for the little boy
Who lives down the lane

Baa, baa, black sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir
Three bags full

I dunno, just stuck there this morning. So I walked and sang Baa Baa Black Sheep…