I’m certain that the US will begin slapping Russia, China and EU with more sanctions.

Weaponized Sanctions – Big Mistake…

This situation does not matter what you think about Iran, it is what is legally and morally correct:

“No country but the United States has had the courage and conviction to put forward a resolution. Instead, they chose to side with the ayatollahs,” said Pompeo….the USA Secretary of State

I’m certain that the US will begin slapping Russia, China and EU with sanctions. In the event that that occurs, the EU should begin working with Iran once more. They will be rebuffed by the USA whichever way. So they may in any event get something for it….it is a damn if you do and damn if you don’t situation…

Side thought about the EU and the Euro: I still think that this allows a perfect opportunity for the Euro to at least stop-gap the Dollar, since the Dollar has been weaponized. When Sveta and I travel the world, we use Euros and it works very well in all countries we travel to….Euros it is what the world should temporarily turn to, until they decide what to use as a world currency…

US left the arrangement (US withdrew and reinstated economic sanctions in 2018.) so it has no power to reimpose UN sanctions. It would need to persuade and drive each signatory to do as such, however this won’t occur. US request has no legitimate premise, and will be disregarded. In 30 days, US loses, for this last time. Since the ban augmentation didn’t pass, it’s down & over for the US system….if that is not what happens, then we are at a dead end with the world the way it is now…

The actual inquiry is more along the line of:

Will they decline and leave it to Russia and China to project a veto, or will we see some history in the UNSC with the UK and France projecting their veto’s along China and Russia should the US power an UNSC vote?

What the US administrator is doing resembles sitting on a tree limb pouting and attempting to saw it off next to the tree trunk, we will observer more thrashing and embarrassment from the novices who call themselves legislators and representatives of America, who can do only compromising and threatening aims to make a move against nations in reprisal for rebelliousness with their requests of cheating, taking, lying and making life hopeless against individuals/countries who don’t accept and think like them!

I came to the conclusion after watching literally everyday a new sanction thrown about like candy tossed from the parade float to children, that: Instead of listing who is under sanctions?

Maybe the list would be much easier to read through, if we simply listed who is not being sanctioned? & I mean all countries that are forced through sanction upon other countries that they do business with. Eg…Nord Stream 2 with Germany and Russia….is a perfect example…

Okay I looked around…

Who is not sanctioned in some way by the USA?

No One!

Who is sanctioned by the USA?

The whole world!

There is no one who can do business with everyone they want to….no one, no country, no body. Everything has a sanction tied to it and if you sell something to a country, you better look over your shoulder. For even if the US has not said, “You are sanctioned!” you still have a business or other country you deal with that is sanctioned. Uncle Sam is trying to tell you who you can buy from, sell to, make deals with and sit and have a drink with. Better not shake hands….they may get cut off…

Wake up world and just say, “No” to the bully…