Svetochka has been accepted to test the Russian Corona Vaccine…

I wrote about this not long ago:

And Sveta has been waiting for a response to her application. yesterday she got that response and now she is making up her mind as to what she will do….if she takes the trial vaccine she cannot use the flue vaccine and she will have to change her movements for a while. She has to report on a consistent basis as to the results of the test. She also found out that 25% of those taking the vaccine will get a placebo…

Sveta signed up for the testing of COVID-19 vaccine…

I think that the placebo thingy is the biggest question she had, but I explained to her what and why a placebo part of the testing is very important. I support her in literally all things she does and this testing of the vaccine is no different. I am proud of my girl and it looks like she will go through with the testing…

Not this Tuesday from today, but next Tuesday after, Svetochka gets a medical check up and if that is all good, will start the testing of the King Corona Vaccine…

Clinical trials have begun in Moscow,” Murashko said, adding that the ministry had also created “the world’s first mobile application” that allows participants to “report on their condition” throughout the lengthy trial period.

Source: Sputnik V launched: Russia dispatches first batches of pioneering Covid-19 vaccine to all of its 85 regions — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Lets talk about Russian health Care:

In that last few weeks there have been a couple of cases of what Russians take for granted and people in the USA would not comprehend. 1. Sveta has a friend who has cancer & 2. Russians will not pay for anything to do with the Corona Vaccine…

1. Bone cancer is bad news: But life is not always a bowl of cherries, for those pits get in the way at times. In my world that I grew up in, cancer, like a heart attack can be financially devastating. I have had both six heart attacks and a brain tumor. I know how bad things get when you are not blessed with low deductibles and decent healthcare. Even with so called healthcare, it can get very very bad financially at times…

To make this simple; Sveta’s friend will be cared for at home (that means all care), get the best chemo therapy that is available (best in the world available) and she will not pay a single cent or in this case a single ruble to go through all this treatment…

It is amazing to me being from America, that doctors, nurses and specialists come to you if you desire to be treated. Even I as an outsider can have a doctor come to treat me. I would pay for it, because I am not a Russia, but they would not hesitate to save my life first and foremost. The cost would be very minor for “my” care in Russia. I have talked about this many times on this blog….

It is as with everywhere. Russians many times do not comprehend what it is like not having healthcare. So they grumble at times about their healthcare. Yet, here is a struggling Russian example. A mother of three kids, husband is dead and her kids are taken care of, she gets disability to pay the bills and she gets the finest healthcare available in her home…

I will pray for Sveta’s friend and hope that a miracle happens. The doctors are positive about it all and really that is all you can go on at this point. At least she does not have to sell the children and mortgage the home to get it done. That is a huge pressure relief off anyone’s back….and that translates into better recovery…

2. Another interesting issue recently. Russians will not pay for the Corona Vaccine. It would not even be considered for a Russian citizen to pay for it. they will not be forced to take it. But it will be offered as is the flue vaccine free of cost forever. Yes, for me as an outsider, I will have to pay and it will be a very small amount of money. There is never any thoughts of ripping the people off for profits in the Russian healthcare….maybe the localized vendor selling his wares is a rip off, but not for things country wide as in a vaccine and other healthcare issues. Interesting thought: It is Russian Tax money that pays for this vaccine and thus Russians have already paid, yet they are no expected to pay again and again for such things. That is how it is suppose to work….your tax money for you when it is needed!

Just some thoughts this morning as I wake up. I will watch as Sveta makes her decision on the trial vaccine and realize that if she does, it is better that I am here in the Tiny Russian Village. That leaves her free to deal with her issues and basically only her issues.This has been hard on her. She has had to deal with the family and make sure they all have food and the care they need. Her mom and her uncle are both late 80’s and she has been very attentive to their needs, as well as her own son and his family…

When her trial of the vaccine is done, I will be going home to be with her in Moscow? Maybe I should say, we will try to have me get home!

I miss my Sweetpea…