We are all the same in the end of things…

An interesting thing in life is that businesses, countries, human societies are all the same, all over the world. The only thing that is different is the degree of good and bad within each separate entity. That degree of good and bad is what separates the world into its factions. Good & Bad are determined by that society and that criteria changes like the pendulum swinging on a never ending perpetual path…

Therefore, in that part of the world you desire and or need, you feel safe and comfortable. Yet, in that other part of the world you feel threatened, exposed and degraded. Yet again, many times, that human next door to you has the opposite feelings or thereof variant on those feelings that you have…

Businesses, countries, human societies: They all have characteristics of each other that make them the same. They nurture, develop, care, offer protection, safety, shelter, training, (but they also) lie, cheat, burn bridges, create war, hate, death, they are judgemental, sadistic, expanding, degrading….just to name a few characteristics…

When the balance of characteristics are skewed to the bad and or good. Humans suffer and or flourish at the whims of the few. Especially since humans make up all these countries and businesses. Everything around the world suffers the same intimate fate. The outcome within each human society, business, country is altered by who and what is manipulating the system at that moment…

Contrary to popular belief; We love someone to be in charge and allow ourselves to bitch and complain about how bad someone is and had bad the system is and how bad life is. Throughout history we have had stories told of good kings and bad kings, weak kings and strong kings, stupid kings and smart kings. All the while, always having a king to blame for our own shortcomings. Just put boss, president, god(s) and whatnot’s in place of “king” and you will get the picture…

Somewhere in our minds we all see deep within ourselves that perfect “Mayberry R.F.D.”, “Leave it to Beaver” type of perfect society (Other words, Utopia!). We want it to meet our expectations, yet, there is only one way that that type of existence is possible. If we do not conform to the rules instilled by such a ideology? It is impossible to achieve such balance. And no one (businesses, countries, human societies) but no one, is able to agree if such balance is desirable?

While there really is much more good than bad all over the world and bad is really a small percentage of the world; The good of humans never outweighs the bad of humans….the bad is the direction that we skew towards. Humans, especially as spectators, seem to be drawn toward “bad” like a moth to flame…

This is human nature all over the world. As that pendulum swings back and forth throughout our history? We see balance and harmony during every swing back and forth. It is a huge pendulum and takes awhile to swing its path. The pendulum is driven by forces that we do not see or understand, but it does allow us to glimpse utopia. At least the utopia you see as perfect!

But two things standout predominantly as the destroyer of societies, businesses and countries. There is a whole bunch of factors (greed as one factor) around and in between these two issues we have. Yet, if we think? Umpteen problems center around just basic root problems…

1. Moral Decay and 2. Soaring Wealth/Society Inequality; are major issues that define humans & humans make up all businesses and countries…

Moral Decay & Wealth/Society Inequality are a abyss which exhausts the humans in infinite desires to self-gratify their needs, without ever reaching self-satisfaction…

These are the Achilles heel of every single human on our planet!


PS: I do not have the answers, you do not have the answers, we do not have the answers and they over there, definitely do not have the answers. Yet when that pendulum swings and I glimpse a taste of utopia as it swings by, I realize that it is obtainable. Maybe, 100,000,000 years from now, when that pendulum stops in the very middle of its downward swing? Balance will become the norm…

We are all the same in the end of things…

We have a bunch of growing up to do!