Societies reach the point that they have to have discipline!

You do not have to agree with what I say and think. But you do need to realize that things are changing and that things are changing beyond our control as individuals. Societies are entities that grow as we as individuals grow. Societies are given birth and then all the stages that we ourselves go through as individuals….inevitably happen as a society grows up and matures…

China walks the walks and talks the talk of a huge mass society….Russia really tries to walk the walk and talk the talk, as all small societies do….The USA walks and whines as they cry foul all the time! Just as a teenager does when life sucks…

These three countries are all in very different circumstances of growth in their life cycles…

The main difference between the three countries is very simple!

It is called discipline: the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.

China with its 1.5 billion people have acquired “discipline” as a survival trait. Russians use to be disciplined Soviets and it is still embedded within the society by the elder and half way by its youth, yet they are small enough to flaunt discipline still. The USA has no discipline in any form anymore, due to its circumstances…

Good or bad in your eyes; Societies must have discipline to survive. In a case such as Russia vs China vs USA during King Corona Virus’s rein of terror; It shows forefront about the discipline of the society within their respective borders…

It also brings forth a stipulation about the size of population and what are the factors that happen when a population reaches a size that means past society regulations no longer meet the needs of the present?

Russia has land vastness and only around 150 million people to corral. While China has 1.5 billion people to corral. Yet we are watching the tipping point for the USA as it approaches 350 million people and the ensuing changes that have to be enacted when the population goes from “small town mentality to big city mentality” in size….China reached this point a very longtime ago and Russia has never reached that point yet…

Therefore, Russia has size of society as a benefit for now, China has walked the walk and talked the talk long ago. The USA use to be like Russia (In my lifetime the US has gone from small town to big city.), yet somehow lost that ability to walk the walk and talk the talk & decided that using a big stick is easier than corralling a fast and soon to be vast, growing society. The USA has terrible growing pains…

Pretty simple actually in reality…

Russia can still look the other way due to its circumstances (not enough people to overwhelm the system yet), the US has to accept the reality of new and necessary circumstances (The anachronistic system needs help.) and China simply has to keep doing what it has been doing. China long ago passed that 350 million human mark and dealt with the growing pains, long ago as a result…

Regardless; the only way forward is…

“When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up.”
― Roy T. Bennett


There is no choice for the USA, but to change….because no one likes a floundering big baby, swinging a big stick and crying about how “you hurt him” as he beats on you! – me

If the USA wants to stay as it is, it must change its society discipline system. If it does not change? Then it must break up into smaller society systems. There is no other choice….Take the Chinese path and or become smaller more society controllable entities…

Good failed example: Look at the EU? Doesn’t work and should be put back as just the countries themselves. Europe is multiple entities, not one power entity…

Just doing some thinking today from Moscow, Russia…