Since America has spent the past five decades turning the country into a giant kindergarten…

Many and Most Adults in other lands around the world have been busy doing adult stuff. There is the occasional Banana Republic whom “craps” in their own sandbox daily, yet for the most part, the world is moving forward…

Tidbit: We no longer should insult Banana Republics. With comparison: We need a new term for what the USA has become…

Now as you watch the Americans fighting in their sandbox (A sandbox that has become very very lonely as of late!). Throwing sand in each others eyes and calling each other names, you realize that the USA is one large self-centered pile of malarkey…

The new battle cry of the American Republic, “Not my President!”

Yet, I do appreciate this new interlacing on the America First policy…

As long as the world can keep the USA within its own sandbox and throwing sand at each other? As in; Poking their own eyes in hate and accusations?

It is far better they (Americans) are fighting each other than when they are exporting death, war and chaos around the world to innocent people everywhere!

I feel sorry for Canada and Mexico. Can you imagine what they are thinking as the US sandbox heats up and sand gets thrown outside the sandbox…

That is the real issue at hand!

Collateral damage…


Since America has spent the past five decades turning the country into a giant kindergarten…

Long popcorn people!