Hmm, my my what a “low bar” we are setting in the USA!

But, for all that, that has happened in the USA. One thing that has happened is that Trump set an extremely “low bar” for his successor to be better than him. Biden was probably the worst candidate the Democrats could have put forward & Trump was the worst candidate that the republicans could put forward…

Biden has fingers in the pie of corruption deep in Ukraine. His son crackheads his way across the Ukraine to collect the checks of tithings. Evil has no limits with the Biden family…

There were so many better people running for US president and the system, on both sides, buried them alive, on purpose…

They, democrats, were lucky that more people hated Trump than hated Joe…

It was a true battle of who we hated more….or was it intentional?

As last time with Hillary and Trump, the democrats had put forward their worst candidate again (Hillary) and found that the US public would rather trust a so called born again republican “reality show host” than a tried and tested politician (tried, tested and failed). Hillary was well known to have lied and cheated her way to the nomination and was rightly prevented from taking office, yet only because she was the worst of the two running at the time…

The issue is that the Democrats and the Republicans seem to put forth their worst candidates every time anymore….and it seems to be done on purpose!

~~ Both parties seem to be trying to see who can run the worst of the worst and be even worst than that worst! ~~

I genuinely worry that the low bar set by Trump for Biden means we will begin to accept even more very poor governance solely due to it being equivalent to, “Better Than Trump”.  We have seen, “Better than Hillary!” now “Better than Trump!” and if we have a, “Better than Biden!” in the future?

Lets not talk about how we started the “whole low bar thingy with Obama, Bush, Clinton and more” and now they all look like the greatest presidents ever!

We are really knuckle dragging in our lives…

How low can we set the bar?