Now don’t lie!

Israel has spent everyday this last few weeks threatening Iran. Iran finally after a few weeks of constant threats of being attacked by Israel said basically, Try it you won’t like what happens!

Israel has been simply pushing to have help in attacking Iran and it will not shut up! Lie after lie and open threat after threat…

The USA and Britain have on the other hand, constantly pushed lie after lie about China and Russia. Sometimes an occasional lap puppy spouts off and repeats the rhetoric being spewed, mainly by the USA. Yet it is Britain that seems to have been given the job to stay consistent verbally and undermining Russian issues and it is the USA who constantly undermines the China issues. Trading off once in a while to stir things up…

It has become a basically western world that Israel spouts lies about Iran….Britain spouts lies about Russia….and the USA spouts lies about China. It is a very consistent process and the people of each country are never given a chance to think any other way….We must add that the EU farce follows basically what the USA spouts…

Occasionally we toss in a Venezuela, North Korea and many more countries to stir a bit more. But, the game is essentially the same basic pattern…

So I ask?

Who hates the world so much? Who hates the world not being in their ideal image? Who despises Russia, China and Iran? It is in black and white…

I will give you a hint. The world formed in the images that the psychotic west wants to impose upon us, is a very bad world indeed. Worse than you even can comprehend. As long as you play along and act like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and multiple more are the evil in the world, nothing will ever change…

It is not Russia, China and or Iran against the west. It is the psychotic western liars against Russia, Iran and China. Russia, China and Iran all have said with sincerity that they are willing to work with any country that plays fair and by international rules and use a moral base to do it with…

The psychotic part of the west wants an excuse for war!

So I ask again; Who is screwing up the world?

It is a damn fine world we live in and if we got along, it would be nirvana…

Bottom line is:

Nothing is more evil than someone who lies knowing the real truth and believes their own lies to appease that demon within themselves….nothing and no one is more evil than that…

Look hard at the Western Empire and see with your own eyes. We deserve a better world than what they (psychotic west) have planned for us…

Now don’t lie!