And they call Russia bad for responding…

Russia responded to the European Council’s sanctions against six Russian nationals of March 2 and 22, 2021…

The Russian foreign ministry published a blacklist of eight EU nationals who were banned from entering Russia. The blacklist includes David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament; Jorg Raupach, Berlin’s chief prosecutor; Ivars Abolins, chairman of Latvia’s National Electronic Media Council; Maris Baltins, Director of the Latvian State Language Center; Jacques Maire, a member of the French delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Asa Scott, Head of the CBRN Protection and Security Division at the Swedish Defense Research Agency; Ilmar Tomusk, Director General of the Language Inspectorate, Estonia; Vera Jourova, Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency…

But they (west) says Russia is bad…

Wonder who is starting all this crap anyway?

Not Russia…