Hmm, Google what is the issue?

“About 600 representative offices of foreign companies in Russia localized storage of personal data of Russian users to date,” the regulator added.

Source: Russian media watchdog prepares protocol for Google due to absence of data localization – Business & Economy – TASS

“Google did not localize the data of Russian citizens on the territory of Russia,” the press service said. “On June 30, the regulator prepared an administrative protocol in respect of Google LLC under Part 8 Article 13.11 of the Russian Administrative Offense Code [breach of Russian personal data laws – TASS]. The management of the US company failed to confirm the fact of localizing databases of Russian users on the Russian territory,” it noted…

Well I for one will be glad if they block Google….it censors search results anyway…

Move the data to Russia. Unless you are hiding something? It is definitely not because you believe in freedom of speech and freedom of data…

Almost 600 companies have complied, OK Google…