All that works anymore, my oldest theme for the WtR

It started out as a theme called “Only Coffee” it is now still called an unimaginative, “Only Coffee” and it has been years in the adjusting. It was a theme that has transformed from a non reflexive, cellphone pathetic and Google Pagespeed of 50 to a max Google Pagespeed of 100, on both cellphone and desktop…

While I try to modernize? Between WordPress upgrades and idiosyncrasies, lack of support by ClassicPress (which I had to remove) and attacks by my loving country of origin….nothing else survives the time like this poor template….I keep patching it and altering it…

It is like an old friend that tolerates you as you look at shiny new prospects and friends….yet, I know deep down that stability is only as good as your theme and this theme has been stable. I think I will just stay friends with this theme, at least until something makes it not possible…

Maybe I should rename the theme to, “A new pot of coffee”? and market it as if you like your coffee black and plain? This theme is for you…

WordPress is simply terrible and nothing they do changes that, in fact all they do is reinforce my feelings about how terrible they are…

How to switch to a new content manager at this point? I have 8000 posts and that is literally, without spending a fortune in cold hard cash, an impossibility for us to do. Svetochka might be able to do it if she had the time and desire, yet for me, it would be like me trying to produce a ton of pure grade gold out of the air. It ain’t gonna happen people…

Every WordPress upgrade takes me one step closer to oblivion and it seems nothing else can hold up against the odds…

I will keep piecing this theme together as they change the rules and keep plucking away…