Coronavirus-19 strikes another Russian friend…

Saddened yesterday with bad news: A friend of ours in Moscow has now been quarantined.

About a week or so ago – He (our friend) went to a good friend of his, this friend (a mother) has a 3 year old daughter. The little girl had a fever. The daughter got sick from daycare? (They will trace where it came from.) Mother works full time. Daughter slightly running a fever. Mother contracted days after the daughter showed signs of illness unknowingly from daughter as she cared for her unknowingly having Coronavirus-19. Mother now in the specialty hospital in Moscow (right now) fighting for her life. Friend of ours (whom got it at same time from the little girl), is at the stage that he is quarantined (two weeks) and will be watched by the Russian Corona Care System and he has been given medicines and help. He had the vaccine (Sputnik V). The Mother did not have the vaccine and of course the daughter did not…

No one used masks, we are all friends they said, it is all a hoax they laugh at….as the King Corona spreads through the masses and laughs right back…

The little daughter seems fine (other than slight fever for a bit)….the mother is very sick….our friend? He has to wait and see if his vaccine will stymie the worst of King Corona-19…

I said a prayer for all involved…

It was a huge prayer, for so many are suffering from King Corona-19…