Nikolai’s Home, my dream home…

It all started with tearing out the rotted stairs at the front of the home and has evolved into what it is today…

Started right here at the front stairs…
Home sweet home in TRV.
Home is painted…
Orange faded to almost white in places after one year and this week I grabbed a coffee color and trimmed the home…

The work will not end, yet I can rest a year or so. The home is solid and painted well. No leaks and the whole yard has been cleaned up and finally is in a state of easy to maintain…

It has been a joyful ride and there still is much to be done…

I hope Nikolai looks down from above and approves?

TRV and our new second village “Nikolai’s home” (Images)

Can you believe? 10 years in our flat and Nikolai’s Home is ours…