24 comments about vaccines and two were civil and not threatening my life…

crazy coffee
And my sweetpea is happy also…

I understand people are upset. Yet, why do they attack people online telling what they perceive as truth and experiences and leave the main culprit alone. Look in the mirror and look at the government staring at you and fight back at what is really happening in your lives. Are you scared? Are you lazy? I have been fighting against my government since Vietnam and I see no reason to stop now…

All comments from the western side of the world and all comments ignore that there are viable options. One comment does bring up alternative medications and they are correct to want to use these alternatives. Yet everyone ignores that in most of the world there are viable alternatives than using western vaccines…

Instead of wishing my death and such, try to channel your energies and get decent stuff to deal with Covid-19….look no farther than yourselves and your governments that rule you…

Anti-Vax to the crazy degree and opposite of Must-Vax people. Another division of the human race, like everything that is being done to us…

But again, because I think that using Sputnik-V is the best and support vaccine for King Covid-19?

Why do I need to be threatened with dying and have my head cut off as suggested…

If you live in the west? Leave and find that home that meets your lifestyle and mindset!

Instead people complain and moan and groan and threaten and sit on their asses and do nothing to stop the flow down the hill toward the bottom of the pit…

I left the USA in 2006 and have been blessed with living in Russia. And yes, I have a vaccine that I took and it does not eat you from the inside out and leave you in worse shape than the disease. Think about your options and make them work…

Yet, I suspect that most will sit at their computers and moan and groan about how bad everything is and if you do not agree with them, they will wish you dead….the hard issues are in front of your face where you live and that is where your hate should be directed. Not at someone who is happy where he is at…

(Yes Russians are anti-VAX for the most part. Thus I tell Russians to get vaccinated with Sputnik-V. I also follow the rules in the main stores and wear a mask and I use hand sanitizer when needed. So far so good for Sveta and I, yet friends who ignored such things have found themselves wishing they had tried harder.)

If I have to live around crazy? Give me that Russian crazy…

Thank God I found my Sweet Pea and Russia…


PS: Yet while you hate western vaccines, we have a small group of Russians demanding that western vaccines are allowed. Why, because the western media says that Sputnik-V is terrible and Pfizer/Astrazeneca is perfect. Go figure…

PSS: How about this?

Spray King Covid-19 Away!