And now lets have a serious look at the USA and its Covid-19 involvement…

I believe that those governments who try to steer non-proven issues against other countries, should be investigated as thoroughly as any investigation in to the false allegations. Also the investigated country should be allowed to investigate by their means against the accusing country…

The assessment didn’t yield a definitive conclusion on whether the new coronavirus jumped to humans naturally, or via a lab leak, heightening the challenge of getting answers from China. Source: New U.S. Intelligence Report Doesn’t Provide Definitive Conclusion on Covid-19 Origins – WSJ

Meanwhile, tens of millions of people around the World have asked WHO to carry an investigation in the US where suspicious cases of Covid-19 have been detected in various states. The letter to WHO also mentions Fort Detrick as one likely source of the virus…

Electronic Vaping Health Scare May 2019 near and around Fort Detrick, USA, the X-rays showed broken glass effect same as Covid-19, physical symptoms were the same as Covid-19. No other country in the world has come forward to claim vaping is causing issues so…

Why has no one in the USA investigated Fort Detrick? Why has no one in the USA questioned about the mysterious vaping issue?

Hmm, its sooner than that, King Coronavirus has been around awhile

2020 I call it the, Year of the re- +‎ initialization

I believe because it’s the American way. Also, this is just more blood on the hands of the US, so karma will be exacting a very large price sooner than we want…